Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Year's Worth of Free Printables {Free Download}

Whew, has this year flown by or what?!  As I have been thinking about this next year and what it will hold, I cannot help but be giddy with excitement.  One of my favorite things to do each year is make new goals for myself..and this year I plan to finish each and every item on my list.  This year I will be making yearly goals, but also goals for each month of the year..and I will post my monthly goals here so you can help hold me accountable!  I needed my yearly goals to be cute so I made this:

Now you can make your goals cute too! Grab these files HERE.

And to look back at the year, one of my favorite things to do is to give out free printables, and to hear how you use them!  So I thought I'd do a roundup of this years free printables in case you missed out on any. Remember, Free Printables are for followers of Kiki Creates ONLY (Takes just a second on my sidebar, thanks!) And to keep this post it to your Pinterest boards!

and the most downloaded print of 2011?

Thanks for stopping by.
Tomorrow will be a roundup of my favorite and YOUR favorite projects of 2011!


  1. AWESOME!! thank you! All of these are so cute!

  2. You are THEE best!! Thank you SO much!

  3. Thanks! I love your stuff... and soooooo pinned this blog post! :~)

  4. This post is stinkin amazing and I am going to pin AND share on my FB page!I would love for you to come link up at my party this weekend!

  5. Thanks for sharing your talents! Beautiful!

  6. Wow...they just kept coming...You are amazing! Thank you so much for all the printables'...And may I add, I do believe your 'forget me nots' is the best I've seen-I get so many compliments on it!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  7. Thank you! You are wonderful to share these!

  8. These are all beautiful, thank you so much for creating and sharing!!


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