Thursday, August 4, 2011

So now it's your turn...

Okay,  now I want to hear from you! This week I have been talking about GO NOTES for Kids.  So, where will you use them? Where will you put them? Do you have any ideas for projects with them?

I will make it really simple today.  You can comment as many times as you would like (with different ideas) and each comment will enter you to win a whole set of Go Notes (all 5 sets..a $30 value).

For those of you who already have some, how are you using them?

Contest will end tonight at 9 pm PST.


  1. my daughter is only 2 so I'm not sure how much she'd appreciate them but I really would like the His collection for my hubby! he is currently deployed so I'd love to use some in his little care packages and even more when he gets back! He's so wonderful to me and it's hard to think of something sweet for him so this would be great!

  2. I think these would be fun to send to some of my best friends randomly! We all live far away from each other but I still love and miss them and this would be something fun to do for them!

  3. I would leave a note tied to my husband's steering wheel saying "I love you because you get up at 4:00 every morning to go to work and never complain about it!"

  4. I would leave one saying "don't forget ... Mommy ALWAYS loves you, no matter what" on my daughter's toddler backpack.

  5. I would go during lunch break when the husband and I have a date night planned and leave an "I can't wait" card on his seat saying "I can't wait to share a few just us hours tonight on our date!"

  6. I like your idea for the university student. My spin would be for a pregnant friend I would love to do some as part of her baby shower gift all the reasons I love/believe/ and things I can not wait to experience and see with her new little one!

  7. As a baby shower gift. Only I would borrow your university student idea and fill them in with thoughts/hopes and prayers for momma and baby!

  8. I would put them in my hubby's lunch, on his visor in his car and in the bottom of his sock drawer :)

  9. I would put them on my daughter's bathroom mirror so that way she see's how much she is loved every time she looks at herself.

  10. I would hide some in different my daughter's shoes, in the cereal box, etc so a little note would be a lovely little surprise

  11. I would love to hang them from my kids' ceilings, dangling from strings, at night so when they wake up they'll see them....

  12. My daughters 1st birthday is tomorrow - so I use notes for my husband. I love yours - right now I usually make one up of my own and stick it in his lunch kit with a sweet treat once a week.

  13. I made little flamingo's with a pocket in the front to stick love notes in!

  14. I want to quilt a pillow with one of the squares being a pocket for my daughters room and when she gets older I plan to put little love notes and treats in there for her to find

  15. family mail slots - little love notes to encourage family members as we start the day!

  16. My hubby travels and I love to slip little notes between his clothes. It's nice to know we can suprise our loved ones even when they are away.

  17. I really like to put little notes into my daughters books. I know when she opens the book she will get a little grin.

  18. My husband has tons of pockets on his uniform, so I would stick one in a random pocket for him to find during the day.

  19. I think I'd also send some in a care package to my sister while she's away at college.

  20. So.... I have the kids sets now(thanks!!!) and I plan to use them in lunches. I know my daughter will love that. I'd LOVE the set for HIM and I'd stick notes in his pocket, on the bathroom mirror, in his car, in his scriptures, etc. So fun!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  21. I will use them in my classroom. Have my students give these to loved ones for gifts!!

  22. My kids love it when I send a "little something extra" like a note or card in their lunch boxes. I think these adorable Go Notes would be a huge hit with them! That way they would know I was thinking of them and sending a little love their way.

  23. My daughter starts kindergarten in a few weeks and I am looking forward to leaving her little notes in her lunchbox- these will be perfect!

  24. I have a few friends who have recently become single moms and I think that the kids go notes would be a perfect gift for them to use with their children. Doing special things for my daughter reminds me of all of the good things I have in my life and I would like to do the same for friends.

  25. I would put one in my one year old's baby book for him to read when he's old enough in the future! I would tell him that I love more than he could possibly know!

  26. I like sending notes just because to my Mom on the side of the country. These would be super cute notes to send to her!

  27. I would leave them in random places around the apartment for my fiance to find. It's a small effort to remind him how much I love him.

  28. I would help my son "give" some to his little friends at church!

  29. I would definitely use these amazing "Go Notes" to help encourage my roommates for tests, projects, and just to have a great day during college. It can be super stressful at times, and I know for experience just a small little note like this can make the difference in a horrible day turning to a great day!

    P.S. I LOVE your blog! I'm a religious reader everyday. :)

  30. I would use them for my three-year-old to send notes to family and friends--they leave just the right amount for my little guy to come up with by himself.

  31. I'd love to have them on hand for those times when you feel inspired to take cookies or something to a friend, but there just isn't enough time in the day. You could easily fill on out, and drop it in the mailbox or leave it as a fun surprise on a windsheild or front door. You never know when those little thoughts of kindness can really change someone's day!

  32. My kids have really started taking to this idea. I would love to have some on hand for them to use. Last night I went to bed only to find some love notes from my 5 year old and 7 year old. PRICELESS!

  33. I love hiding notes in my husband's luggage when he goes on trips.

  34. Whenever I use my husband's car I like to leave a little note on the steering wheel for him to find! These would be perfect!

  35. These would be so much fun to put around the house for my boys to find when they wake up in the morning before school!

  36. It would be fun to put these on my boys booster seats for them to find when they get in the car after school

  37. I love these! I want to give blank sets to my family and friends for anniversary gifts. They would be so easy to send in a card in the mail... and fun for them to use to share the love in their marriage!

  38. These would also be darling to print up a larger amount and give as a wedding gift in a small box... with one side for him & one for her, or in 2 boxes for him & her, to use throughout their first year of marriage. You could print up enough for every day or every week or every month. How cute would that be to have a record of all those first love notes?!

  39. These would be great journaling prompts - and you could put one on each page and then either just fill out the card, or elaborate more. They would be fun to do for a new baby for the first year, and give the parents something else to do while feeding the baby.

  40. I would love these as tags for scapbook pages... tp use in the main layout, and then elaborate down below!

  41. I would love to give my best friend a few sets to use in her home - she is a DR & her Hubs is a firefighter, so they never see each other! These would be perfect to leave in a lab pocket or locker or in the fridge/bathroom at home for your spouse.

  42. These are the perfect size to write on and then take a pic with your phone and text/email it to someone... What a fun message to receive!

  43. For a grandparent's birthday it would be fun to have all the family members fill one out and then put them in a box for the birthday boy/girl to read over & over again. You could even have people send them in the mail. :)

  44. Make a garland with notes filled out for a birthday or anniversary or farewell party (college/mission/etc) and use it as a decoration. It would look darling and be a treasure forever!

  45. These would be wonderful to send in a missionary care package! You could send one for each day of the next week to help them feel the love every day.

  46. These would be fun to use at a bridal shower to write advice on... especially the "don't forget to" "always remember" and "never forget" and then put them in a holder for the bride to be able to see & remember.

  47. my mom recently complained that she is tired of only opening in the mail. I would write a short note on them and send them in the mail so there is something more then just Bills in the mail. =D

  48. I think it would be fun to have a set for the extended family to have, and then be able to fill out for a family reunion. It would be wonderful to have a love note from grandma, or grandpa, or aunt you haven't seen in a year. Family is important!

  49. I have a hard time with notes because once when I went out of town I noted up the whole house and my kids cried every time they found one!! :) It would be fun to be able to slip one in their desk after a parent teacher conference.

  50. Tucked in a pocket would be a fun "hidden" way.

  51. I would drop some in each of my sons backpacks where they would find them when they got to school :)

  52. I would put one in my hubby's lunch bag so he would find it in the middle of the night (he works graveyard) and think of me while I'm probably dreaming of him ;)

  53. I would stick them in my husband's work pants pocket for him to find at work.

  54. I would tape it to the bathroom mirror.

  55. I would mail them to friends and family members.

  56. I would stick them in my Husband's lunch box.

  57. I would leave them somewhere in my parents' house after a weekend visit.

  58. I don't have kids but if I did, I would pack them in their lunches. I used to love getting notes from my mom. I felt so loved.

  59. I would stick them in my husband's car before I left for work in the morning.

  60. I would hide them in a shoe.

    Can you tell I REALLY want to win!?! :)

    p.s. I love your blog and all of your creations!


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