Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Go Notes for College Aged Kids?..and a FUN contest.

I do realize not all of my readers have young children who go to school...some of you have children who have grown, grown, grown and now go to college!  So today's post is to give you some ideas on how to use Go Notes for them as well!

When I left for college, I took a small box of photos and letters from my mom and dad. Little mementos of my life at home and every once in awhile, I would take them out and look at them and truly remember just how much I was loved.

This idea is along those same lines. I went to that store that always has things that I need (Target) and found this cute little of the funnest things I have found in awhile.

This is a Real Simple card wheel.  It retailed for about $7.  It comes in a couple of colors..(love this green!):
Go Notes are the size of a business card...and this card wheel is just for that. So I put 2 cards in each of the pages (backs together), so 20 cards fit in it total!
Each a little love note so your college age kid can look at them over and over again and remember how much you love them..and your sweet words of wisdom (we all know they won't admit to missing home, but I promise this will be something they appreciate!).
You can also tuck those notes in to their bags when they are not looking (before they leave) so as they unpack they can get a good smile...or in their car, in their books..or if you are dropping them off..hide them in their dorm room so they find them eventually!

In this little card wheel I even used cards from the previous two sets I have debuted. All of these cards can truly be used for ANYONE..not just kids and not just adults.

Remember you can find all of the GO NOTES here.  To read back on other debuting sets go HERE, HERE and HERE.

Today's contest is a fun one.  Since we are talking about college aged kids today, and we know one of the best ways they communicate is FACEBOOK, we will have a little contest.

Today the winner will recieve one of every GO NOTES that has come out...(That is 5 total packs...and a $30 value)..for you AND a friend.

Here's how you win:

Send your friends to my facebook page HERE..and get them to like my page. Have them write "Jan Smith (except have them put YOUR name here) sent me." If they don't write your name I can't give you credit for it!


post a link to the Go Notes on your FB page!

Here are links you can copy and paste:

The person who sends the most people to my page to "like" it will win a 5 pack for themselves AND for a friend!

Good Luck! This contest will close tonight at 9 pm PST.


1 comment:

  1. One of my most favorite memory from college was my mom's memory bottle she packed with me. When I got to college and started unpacking I found a glass jar with a lid filled with little papers. Each of the papers said something different. little words of advice, encouragement, and love. I went to that bottle again and again when I needed a little piece of "mom" (and dad). Eleven years later, i still have the bottle and will still go get some "advice from mom" on those bad days. I can see your notes being something like this, and being an important part of life for years to come! Thanks for such a wonderful product.


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