Thursday, June 2, 2011

Teachers are AMAZING!

This last year, we moved into a new house, which meant changing schools for my son.  He was so nervous going to school on the first day, but immediately his teacher put him at ease. He has loved her since day 1!  And as parents, we couldn't be happier with her enthusiasm and love for teaching which shows in our son's attitude for learning. Last week, his teacher was out for a few days..and on Friday when he came home he was sad. I asked him what was wrong..he simply replied, " This week wasn't that great because my teacher wasn't there the whole time!" 

Well, I know some of you are already in full swing with summertime, but we won't be there until next week!  Here is a sweet little print you can print out and frame to give to your children's teachers to show them just how great they are!  Or if you are in summertime, save it until next year.:)

Simply click on the image you want, right click and save or print!  Free prints are for followers of Kiki Creates just takes a few seconds over on the sidebar. Thanks so much! (These are 8x10 files)

For some other Teacher gifts, I looked to pinterest and found some sweet little things, that I will for sure be using!

Check them on the link below each one to go to their original post!

Love how this one is on a clip cute, right?!

I have seen these cups this one.

a sweet little apple in a whole new way!

I am so trying this one out..I even have the paper fabric already sewn!:)

Love these fun would these be in a banner!

Love Whipperberry's use of a simple pencil. Perfect!

Hope you are enjoying the last days of school or if you are already in summer..hope you are enjoying that too! I can't wait to have my little ones home all day with me.:)

And if you are a teacher, thank you for doing so much..even though you are usually not thanked for it nearly enough! (My parents have been teaching for over 40 years now....amazing!)


  1. Thanks for that wonderful list! My daughter's teacher went above and beyond this year, so I have been looking for a cute end of the year gift. THANKS!

  2. THese are great links! Plus thanks for the wonderful download. I loved it! Good ideas for next year...we have been out of school for two weeks now! :)

  3. Wow, awesome items you found for gifting. And some wonderful blogs. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I am SO glad you posted about this b/c I was going to email you and ask you about ideas you might have for our beloved teachers! Thank you!

  5. Kiki I love that saying! thanks for sharing!
    as for ideas, i was just going to make a mini scrapbook for my son's kindergarden teacher, i have been snapping pictures all year long

    speaking of which, i better get on that....

  6. What an awesome collection!! thumbs up :)
    happy crafting!

  7. As always- love this Kiki! And all the other ideas are adorable too.
    Thanks for linking up- I'll be sharing your link tomorrow.
    xo, Mique


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