Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Table Makeover

When we moved into our home over a year ago, we had friends at the same time who moved and left us this table:
It has been the perfect table for outside activities...painting, eating, and experiments of all kinds...BUT it needed an overhaul in a bad way.  One day I finally got myself in gear and turned the old table into this:

Much better, right?!

So let me take you through the process.  Step 1- Sand, sand, sand, sand and sand.
Step 2: I stained the table in a dark walnut stain...at this point I was worried it was TOO dark, but I was not going to sand, sand, sand again, so I figured I would make this work!:)

Step 3:  Taped down a chevron pattern

Step 4: Painted the striped with a light gray outdoor paint. 

Step 5: Then I took off the tape to show this:
The lines were not crisp and beautiful like I imagined, so I kept working with it. I sanded down the top, which brought the wood grain out on parts of the chevron design (which I loved), but the gray was still too stark...

Step 6: I took the stain, painted some on and wiped it right off..and voila...JUST as I wanted:

So a before and after together:

and up close and personal:

It was a great lesson in figuring out what to do next. Sometimes I get to a point with a project and just want to stop because it "seems" ruined, but this one really reminded me how amazing things can really turn out when you keep on working with it!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am so glad you posted this! I have been wondering about that beautiful table in the background of some of your pictures. I LOVE it!

  2. I'm going to be working on my coffee table soon. Hope it looks half as cute as this!

  3. I LOVE it... you're amazing my dear!!

    {gave it the thumbs up!}

  4. It looks amazing! I love the pattern! We just bought a new picnic table for our backyard and I'm hoping to paint it this weekend:)

  5. That turned out great! I love chevron and have been wanting to do something like this.

  6. This is gorgeous, just gorgeous. I would love if you could link this up to my Delicately Constructed Friday!! Thanks so much!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Perfect chic picnic table! It came out great!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  8. Looks great! I may try this on a picnic table I inherited.

  9. Great job! Persistence and imagination paid off!

  10. Fantabulous! Fun with that cool factor. Love it.
    Pam @ BeColorful

    I would love it if you would link this up to my Motivated Monday party tonight at BeColorful

  11. Hi Kiki, I haven't stopped by to say hi in a long time and once again am enjoying the eye candy of crafts you have posted! Hope your fam is all doing great! xo

  12. Hey Kiki...the table looks fab,so glad I stopped by...xo

  13. What a great transformation! I will never snub my nose at an old wood picnic table again. This is goorgeous!

    Literally Inspired

  14. I think it looks wonderful! I wish I could find some nice wood furniture to make over for my yard. What a fun project idea! Please stop by and join my party this weekend at http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/06/vip-party-18.html

  15. Awesome! I love it! I have a question though, do you measure out the chevron pattern or do you free hand it?


  16. this is incredible Kiki! :) love the color. Rebecca

  17. love chevron. love gray. LOVE the table!! thumbs up!
    happy crafting!


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