Monday, April 16, 2012

bow tied shoes {tutorial}

First of all, THANK YOU so much for voting for my sweet little fox dress at Project Run and Play this weekend. We made it on to round 2! Yay!

When I was coming up with my first look for Project Run and Play, I needed some cute shoes to top it off. (or maybe I should say bottom it off!):)  I had a great time coming up with these:
I knew I couldn't spend a lot of money on them. Guess where I found these cute little things..WALMART! For a mere $8, I knew I could make something cute.
I took off the bows, and using the same polka dotted material as the shirt, I whipped up some bows using THIS tutorial.  I just hot glued them on and had some super cute shoes for a cute little outfit!

Easy, cute, and cheap custom shoes.

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1 comment:

  1. These shoes are so cute & pretty as you are talented. CUTE Congratulations on going ahead.


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