Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Go Check It Out!

This week has been crazy! I didn't want you to think I was ignoring the blog..I've been working on getting a party together for my sweet little 3 year-old!

We had her friend party this morning and will have her family party tomorrow. I made this sweet little cake inspired by the lovely and uber-talented I Am Baker.

There are a few other really fun details that will be up and coming. She had such a fun time (and especially loved dancing to a cd made just for her!).

But wanted to show you a fun print that I have up in my house and am GIVING away as a free download  today over at The Letter 4. You can check it out HERE.

And I know I said I would get the Christmas Printable Pack up this week, but I will keep you updated on I am due TOMORROW..and am loving the idea of the possibility of delivering my sweet baby any day!:)

Thanks for being patient with me and for stopping by!


  1. Look at that cute girl. Can't believe baby boy is almost here! I better hear about it first thing!

  2. Thanks so much for the super printable...will definitely be displaying it over the fire. And your daughter is adorable in her little dress. Will be thinking of your wait for your new baby...wishing you all the best,

  3. Loved having you and ALWAYS love your printables!

  4. Can I ask where that rug came from? I love it.

  5. Can I ask where that rug came from? I love it.

  6. Beautiful cake! I made one just like it for my daughter's birthday party last weekend.

    Good luck with your baby!


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