Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In Everything Give Thanks {Discount Download}

Today the print that is available for download is one you may have seen before, but I truly love it and the message.  We know Halloween won't last forever..and next up is Thanksgiving..another holiday I just adore. I've always thought Thanksgiving comes at just the right time...right before Christmas and some of the greediness that takes place..what an awesome time to be grateful and thankful for each and every blessing we do have in our life.  There are times that those blessings seem hard to count, but when we take the time, there are many!

Here is the print that is available today:

In ALL of these colors:
This is not only a sweet reminder to have out in your home, but is a lovely housewarming gift, or Christmas gift as well.

Today, I will be offering this print in an 8x10 for just $3!  Again, with the print being digital, you can print it as many times as you would like as long as it is for personal use only!Remember these are for FOLLOWERS only of Kiki Creates...it just takes a second over on the sidebar..thanks.

In Everything Give Thanks 8x10

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