Friday, October 21, 2011

Being a Full-Time Mother! {FREE DOWNLOAD}

I think most women will agree with me...BEING a mother is hard work! Am I right?!  Today I wanted to celebrate motherhood, those who support it, and those who are right in the thick of it!

Today I am excited to be spotlighted on The Power of Moms.  I was asked a bunch of fun questions and got to answer them honestly. These questions took me quite awhile to think about (don't you love questions like that?!), and I'd love for you to run over and take a look and tell me what you think...You can find the interview HERE.

in either an 8x10 or 5x7 print.  Print one for you, send one to your mom, give one to your neighbor.  No matter if you are a stay-at-home mom or full-time working mom..we are ALL full-time mothers and can always use a sweet reminder to look at!

What are the most rewarding times for you as a mother?


  1. There are many rewarding times but a few of my favorite have been just cuddling with my kids or another one was during a meltdown where I didn't feel like I was being a good mom my oldest looked @ me & said "thanks for a great day mom." I really needed to hear that from my kids.:)

  2. Read every single word and loved it...

  3. what a beautiful saying! thanks for sharing Kiki.

  4. This is beautiful and SO TRUE. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Some of my favorite moments from the last 8 years of my mommyhood have been when my son played nursemaid to me during bedrest, when my middle daughter says funny things--she should seriously be a comedian, and when my youngest daughter comes running over and gives me the biggest hug and says,"mommy, I miss you! I just love you!"

    You know, it's just enough to melt my heart and make all the messes and the sibling rivalery completely worth every hair raising moment:)


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