Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sweet Little Angel tags. {FREE download}

To add to the baby shower collection, here are the Girl Sweet Angel tags you can add to any small gift you may have. It is also another really easy way to take something small when you see a baby the first time. I LOVE both of the color combinations..and hope you will find as many uses for these bag toppers as I have!
It's a quick way to make your gift feel finished and give it that extra "wow" factor.

You can download your free bag toppers HERE. Remember, FREE downloads are for followers of Kiki Creates only (just takes a second over on the sidebar, thanks!).
Happy baby girls!

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  1. hmmmm. now why does sweet little angel sound so familiar?????? hahahahhaha

  2. Thanks for this Kiki!
    Just used it recently for my daughter' school party.


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