Monday, August 15, 2011

A little DownEast Basics love

Just wanted to give a heads up to all you Las Vegas locals out there. I know I have talked about my love of DownEast before, but wanted to tell you about a special event they have going on right now:

Visit DownEast Basics at The District at Green Valley Ranch anytime from 8/15-8/29 & enter to win a fall fashion makeover! 1 lucky winner receives $250 shopping spree + DownEast will donate $250 to local school of winner’s choice!
 So fun, right?! So not only could you win some school shopping for your kids (or pick a few things up for yourself!), but you will also benefit a local school as well!  Up here in Seattle, DownEast Basics just opened a store at Southcenter Mall..and my sister and I have this tradition to shop DownEast each time we are together...which ended in:

Getting this sweet shirt, that I will be able to wear through my is SUPER cute:

TOTALLY wishing I weren't pregnant ONLY so that I could justify buying this skirt:
And my sister ended up in with this dress, which is SO fun:
Let's just say we ended up with a few more things in our bags, but like always enjoyed our sisterly tradition..and can't wait to do it soon!

So go check out our local DownEast at The District at Green Valley Ranch and enter for your chance to win!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the inspiration! I just happened to be in Renton for work today so when I read your post last night (or was it this morning? It's been a really long 24 hour trip!), I knew I needed to squeeze in a quick shopping trip. I snagged the shirt you got, the skirt you were wanting, a snazzy yellow top, and a great teal cami. Loved their store and wish I had more time to try on and explore. Thanks for the perfect timing in your post!



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