Friday, August 12, 2011

How I Told- Baby #3 {Free Download}

Alright, we have made it to the end of week one of the Oh Baby Event.  Remember we have one more full week next week of projects, favorites, and a fun giveaway!

Today I will share how I told my friends and family about baby #3. This one was hard to keep a secret. My husband was out of town for 15 weeks that summer on an externship and I took a few vacations with my two boys to keep my mind off of it.  So at 18 weeks I finally spilled the beans with this postcard:

It certainly wasn't as flashy as the last two, but I loved it just the same.

And the stork brought me just what I wanted...a baby girl!

She has been one sweet little thing since day one. She was a perfect addition for our two little boys to dote over.:)

Remember, free downloads are for followers of Kiki Creates only..(Just takes a second over on the sidebar..thanks!)

Thanks for stopping by...see you next week!


  1. So sweet! I love your creative way of spilling the beans.

  2. Ha! So glad I found this! I am expecting #3 as well....we already have 2 girls so we have our fingers crossed for a boy this time! (of course, we will take a healthy baby regardless). I have been trying to find something fun and creative to tell our friends...I'm only 5 weeks right now, so we aren't ready to tell anyone yet (haven't even told our girls yet). I will keep this in mind! But please tell the third pregnancy any easier than the other 2???? (say yes say yes)



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