Monday, August 8, 2011

How I am telling you. {Free Download}

Welcome to my surprise event!  I'm sure you were up all weekend wondering what on earth it could I won't hold it from you any longer:

This is Oh Baby week...well, technically two!  I have so many fun guest posters coming up in the next two weeks as well as some really fun free downloads, ideas, "How we told we were pregnant" stories,  a great giveaway, tips and tricks. favorite products...and best of all, sharing about motherhood!

So why an Oh Baby week? Well, it just so happens that I have squirt number 4 baking and brewing in my stomach right now..that's right..I'M PREGNANT!  I thought this event would be a fun way to announce and celebrate babies, so I hope you are up to sharing and connecting!:)

Before I start with today's project..make sure you hop over to Sassy Style Interior Redesign...I am guest posting over there as well and there just happens to be a freebie there for you as well!  And leave some love for Tausha..she really is so will have a good time looking around her blog..and a great time reading her posts..(she is hilarious!)

Okay...I am so the type of girl that has to announce my pregnancy in a fun way...(are you surprised?):)  It sometimes always drives my husband crazy..he wouldn't mind just calling people up and telling them..but me, not so much.  I am going to share a few ideas over the next two weeks on "how I told" for each of my pregnancies, with either a download or project attached to it.

I found out I was pregnant with my first baby in April of 2003.  I was so excited to tell...and couldn't even wait the usual 12 weeks to tell people.  I did everything by hand then, so I came up with an idea...and twenty boxes and twenty jars of baby food later, I was telling people we were expecting! 

I wrote on the top of the box "a taste of what's to come" and put a jar of baby food in each one..and loved seeing everyone's faces as they opened the box up. It was so fun (it's no wonder I have kept doing it for each baby!).

Well, today I recreated that box for you...only it looks WAY cuter!  Take a look:
It comes in either green, blue or orange.

The only slight adjustment I made to the box was on the lip..I cut it in just a bit..and on the little flap it goes into..don't forget to cut a slit with an exacto knife. Feel free to cut the flap off and just tie it shut with twine or ribbon.  You can put anything in there...think socks, baby food, a pacifier, etc.

So what do you think? Isn't it the cutest thing ever?! You can find the free download HERE.
Remember, free downloads are for followers of Kiki Creates only..(Just takes a second over on the sidebar..thanks!)

And did you want to see my sweet baby that came from this story:
There he is. My sweet first boy who changed my world for the better...and who is growing up WAY too fast!

What would you put in YOUR box? and...what do you think my baby is..a BOY or a GIRL?


  1. Congratulations! I LOVE announcing in a fun way. I'm looking forward to baby week!

  2. CONGRATS!!!! That is so exciting. I think you are going to have a boy. You guys make the cutest kids. :)

  3. YAY!!!! This is SO awesome, congratulations!!! These boxes are super cute too!!! Yippee, so excited for you & your beautiful family Kiki!!!! xoxoxoxo

  4. That is so exciting! You did not say when you are due. I am going to guess a girl!

  5. So happy for you! My sister is due this week and I am jumping out of my skin waiting to meet my sweet soon to be born niece...yay for you guys!!

  6. Congrats Kiki!! So excited for you and what cute idea to tell your family. You have always been so creative. Hope you are feeling well.

  7. My guess is GIRL, and... I would probably put in socks and a little baby powder. Or a newborn sized diaper..! Cute idea!

  8. Wow! Talk about great timing....just found I am expecting number 2 this morning! :) For my first, we made a book for the grandparents for Grandparent's Day (in Sept). It talked about it being their 1st Grandparent's Day and had pictures of DH and I holding up signs telling them the due date! It was super. I am like you.....always have to do something creative;not sure if I am gonna be able to wait 2 weeks to see all of your cute ideas before I decide how I want to tell DH and our families!

  9. Congrats! I'm sooo excited for your family. I love the way you've announced it too! Your kids are so cute, the world could use a dozen!

  10. congratulations Kiki! I hope that you are feeling well!

  11. YAY CONGRATS! I am so excited for you and your family and even more excited to see all your fun ideas the next couple of weeks!

  12. Yay! how fun..I have about 8 weeks to go with my pregnancy and it will be so fun to see all the exciting things you will be sharing!

  13. That's GREAT news! Congrats! Lord you are amazing ... 4 pregnancies in 8 years! AMAZING.

  14. congrats Kiki!! :) can't wait to see what you have planned for baby week. those boxes are THE cutest thing! Rebecca

  15. Congrats!! I am so excited for you!

  16. KIKI!!! I am so excited for you! yay! I am going to guess girl! I have 3 boys, and someone has to have a girl ;)

  17. Congrats. I'm 38 and just found out I'm preggas with my first we had long since given up. I'm soo excited but have to keep it to myself till I'm a little more sure it's all ok. Be tuning into baby week with a new enthusiasm. Go babies!!!

  18. Congrats sweetie! hope you are feeling well and the pregnancy goes smoothly for you.
    thumbs up!
    happy crafting,

  19. This is awesome!! I will be using this week to tell parents!!

  20. Very fun, Kiki! Praying for a safe pregnancy for you and your little one!


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