I am super excited to introduce you to my guest today. KK from small town lovin is here to share with us her baby must haves. If you have not, RUN over to her blog when you are done reading her post. She is real and funny. She makes you think and love life. And she is an incredible mother. You will love her blog. And that is a promise! Here's KK:
all i ever wanted to be was a mother. when i was a newlywed, i craved having a little baby of my own. i naively thought, when my precious baby would arrive, she would lay on the bed and coo at me while i watch my favorite show, that i could easily pack her up and take her shopping with me. she would sit in her stroller and adoringly look up at me while i slowly browse through a rack of clothing. sure, there may be some crying involved, but overall she will just roll right beside me and life will go on.
so when my baby came out of me screaming, and did not stop for the first 3 months, i was SHOCKED. i was not only shocked with the screaming, but the lack of sleep, the leaking boobs, the loss of my identity, no time for me and my husband. what did i sign up for? as much as i adored my precious baby, i was overwhelmed with the responsibility. i told my husband to enjoy this one baby, because i am not doing all of it again. well... here i am 4 years later with 3 kids. somehow i adapted to the craziness and had 2 more kids back to back. the greatest thing i have learned is to be present along the journey. i used to wish away the hard moments and dream of easier days. i now live in the present and find beauty in all the little things that each day brings.
when i was pregnant with my first, i purchased baby products based on cuteness and how it would compliment my nursery. i now know after 3 kids, that you purchase what works, even if it is not the cutest thing. am i right? when my first baby was born, she cried ALL THE TIME. i think i purchased everything i could, that i thought would help calm her down. my husband was sick of the ups driver showing up at our door. through the years i have had much experience in the baby purchasing department and when it was all said and done, it really was the less expensive things that ended up being my favorites. i had the bugaboo, but used my pop up stroller more. I had a beautiful tan high chair, but ended up using a little booster seat. i got rid of my diaper genie {the smell was toxic when it was full} and opted to just throw our diapers in the trash. after all - we gather the trash EVERYDAY! the diaper genie would sit and fester for a couple days gross! i quickly realized, that the easier i can make my life.....the better. here are a few helpful hints and some of my favorite things that i cannot live without.
1. yellow rocker - all 3 of my girls had reflux so this rocker kept them at a great upright position. read the reviews and look at the cost and i guarantee you will be ordering one
2.american apparel - these are such great basics. i love my girls in grey tshirts and white yoga pants. they hold up so well and have lasted amazingly through the years. great prices too!
3.electric toothbrush- hands down the best teething toy and what i hand my wiggly babies when i am changing their diaper. any grocery store will have them
4.booster chair- why anyone uses high chairs is so confusing to me. i swapped my BIG high chair that was so hard to clean, for this booster seat that sits at our table. it is dreamy to clean as well.
5. swaddle blankets- aden and anais makes the softest swaddle blankets. i steal them for myself sometimes. we love the bamboo swaddle blankets - ridiculously soft!
6. sound machine - all my girls snooze away to these machines. they are easy to travel with. again, read the reviews and you will be clicking to purchase
7.ultimate crib sheet-changing crib sheets is just horrible. i used to dread it until my sister in law introduced me to the ultimate crib sheets. save yourself trouble and buy one. I PROMISE they are awesome. you simply lay the sheet down and snap it around the slats. so much easier - why does everyone not have this? i just saw this and think it looks just as effective as well.
8. california baby- i love all their products. they smell so soothing. it is always a treat for me when bathing my girls - tiny aromatherapy moment for mom
9. peek - my favorite kids store. when i want to spend on my girlies, this is where i shop.
10. the night you were born - one of my all time favorite books. i love to read this to my girls on their birthday and give it to new moms as a gift. such beautiful words and illustrations
11. kiehls diaper ointment - if you have used desitin or butt paste then you know after a while the smell can get old. i love this paste since there is no smell and it has 20% zinc oxide as opposed to 10% in desitin and butt paste
12. pack n play - this is the EASIEST thing to travel with. folds up very compact and can unfold with one hand! LUV this!
children ARE the greatest gift and they do grow quickly!
thank you so much kiki for having me a part of baby week! so much fun!

Thanks, KK. There are a few on that list I cannot wait to try out! Now run on over to her blog to be inspired and uplifted!
That ultimate crib sheet is a lifesaver -- we had two to rotate in case I was lax on laundry. Now that the boys are out of the crib, I cut off the elastics and use them on their twin beds to save the mattress in case of accidents. Love these!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVED the ultimate crib sheet too!! I think I maybe had 4 of them. Trying to change a crib sheet at 3am while half asleep is the most annoying thing ever! But with these I could literally do it in my sleep! I always buy them as a shower gift even if the new momma didn't register for it...they always thank me later :)
ReplyDeleteLacee @ Mommas Like Me
That rocker was AMAZING for our daughter. The night we bought it...at two weeks old...she slept for over 7 hours and consistently slept through the night each night she was in it. Absolute miracle product!!