Wednesday, June 15, 2011

dad's songs....{a free download} Father's Day part 3

This idea came about by simply getting into my husband's car one day. He listens to AM radio 95% of his driving time, but this day, he must have slipped in the only CD in the car.  When I got in the car, I could just hear his voice of disgust as Taylor Swift came on, followed by 13 other country songs. (I love country..him..not so much!)  I thought to myself, "I really need to make him his own CD for his car that he will enjoy".  Father's Day is a perfect day to give that to him...but I needed to package it up, so I came up with a fun little sleeve to put it in.

We'll call it "dad songs..

...for the best dad ever".  That should get the point across that you love him, right?!
These are so simple to put together...Simply download the color (or colors) you want.  Cut out the file.  Sew up the sides at 1/4"..or hot glue for those of you who don't like to sew.
Write the songs on the back. (You can even have your kids do this!)

and finish by signing you names by the heart!

Simple and fun, right?!

If you want to see a list of exclusive "dad" songs look here.

I had a good time on Itunes downloading a good amount of his type of music..something I am sure he will find 100% more enjoyable for those moments when a little music is needed!:)
Now all you need is to download the file!  Remember free downloads are for FOLLOWERS OF KIKI CREATES ONLY! (it takes just a second on my sidebar...thanks.)

You can find the files HERE.

Do you know what music you will put on your CD?

Thanks for stopping by. I cannot wait to show you tomorrow's gift idea...IT IS SO FUN!


  1. This is perfect! I was giving my dad a cd with his favorite songs and had no idea how to package it. Thank you so much!


  2. Thank you so much. Being a mom with 2 babies it isn't always easy to leave the house to pick up things. This is perfect. I already have my songs downloaded and burned to a CD :) I also ordered the shirt from Etsy "Read men change diapers" (from your previous post). It's so fitting for our family. Thanks again.

  3. Great Idea! I love this easy printable template. Thanks for sharing.


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